A massive 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti on January 12, 2010. As of 1.15.10, around 140,000 people are estimated to have died in the massive earthquake. The Haitian government has said that while 40,000 people have been buried, at least a hundred thousand are still under the rubble.
A POSITIVE TAKE ON THIS UPHEAVAL: The massive earthquake that occurred in Haiti this week created a monumental heart opening for the planet. The pain, suffering, and tragic loss it created opened our hearts and shifted the planet, pushing it into the heart space that it will be now operating from. These beautiful and giving souls who agreed at their soul levels to be a part of this experience, have served this planet in ways unseen for a very long time. As it was time at many of their soul levels to depart, they agreed to depart in a way that would serve the planet and take it to its new and higher level. Haiti will become a very sacred space, as it already has, and this event will be remembered for a very long time. It was a part of our very new beginning, and a part that will change the vibration and direction of our new world as well. These brave, unbelievably loving and precious souls, have given to this planet more than we could ever know.
The Haiti earthquake jump-started the emergence of the new reality by opening our hearts and bringing people together once again. It literally cracked open the new earth, and prepared it for its very new beginning.
There is no judgment here. Specific areas are not being targeted because they vibrate so low that they need a swift make-over. What is occurring here, is that there will be specific areas on the planet which will be the light centers, and these areas are being prepared for their new roles. --Karen Bishop
ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE: So, the disaster and loss of life in Haiti was a result of the pressures created by the shifts, where the poorest people on the Planet felt the effects of this powerful movement. Now, those of us who are in the position where we are stronger can Align with the Flow of the New Energy to direct this energy into the Creation of Miracles of Compassion and Love. Be willing to Create Miracles Together. Be open to all the Nations of this One Planet coming together to bring Love and Support to those whose lives have been affected by these shifts. We can do this together! Spirit asks that we focus our intention on Love and Support for all, and that we also hold the intention to create a structure in this region that will be ecologically sound so that in the future earthquakes will not cause this widespread devastation to the people of this island.
The New Earth future is about Building a Sustainable Future for all of us, and Spirit has chosen one of the poorest places on the Earth to show us what must be done. Together, we can focus and create a new future for this island and these people, who are Us and part of our One Family on Planet Earth. --Celia Fenn