"Do you not appreciate the platform into which you have been born? Don't you love it that, before you got here, Earth is already spinning in its orbit in perfect proximity with other planets? Aren't you constantly in appreciation that the food content of your planet continues to be, that the seeds continue to be there? Aren't you aware that seeds and resources are not being glown in from other galaxies? :) In other words, your environment is self-sufficient and eternally evolving and here you are up on it, you leading edge genius creators, fine tuning your experience. You're not at the point where you're figuring out how to put this planet into orbit. As brilliant as you are, you have not figured out how to scrape enough dirt together to launch it into orbit, to lauch another satellite, or moon, or earth. In other words, there is a lot that has been set into motion before this perspective called 'you' is here. You're not here to figure out how to get your lungs to breathe air or your heart to pump blood. You're not here to work on your cellular evolution. You don't have these things to do. This has all been part of the previous evolution. You are here as genious creators to co-create with others around you for the purpose of being inspired...ooo, such a good word...inspired to a desire that is beyond any desire that you have had before. It is the leading edgeness of this environment that called you forth. You never said, not one of you, 'I'll go forth but before I go into that Earth, leading-edge, time-space reality platform, clean it all up. Get rid of all those things things that I don't like and then I'll come forth and then I'll be able to just observe and be'. Not one of you asked for something as limiting as that because you understood from your non-physical perspective that the variety that is present in this environment would be the perfect variety to stimulate and excite and inspire not just you but all other co-creating geniuses who have come forth to play with you. And you knew that this environment would insprie new desires and it does, all day, every day." ~Abraham
Saturday, July 2, 2011
You are...
"Do you not appreciate the platform into which you have been born? Don't you love it that, before you got here, Earth is already spinning in its orbit in perfect proximity with other planets? Aren't you constantly in appreciation that the food content of your planet continues to be, that the seeds continue to be there? Aren't you aware that seeds and resources are not being glown in from other galaxies? :) In other words, your environment is self-sufficient and eternally evolving and here you are up on it, you leading edge genius creators, fine tuning your experience. You're not at the point where you're figuring out how to put this planet into orbit. As brilliant as you are, you have not figured out how to scrape enough dirt together to launch it into orbit, to lauch another satellite, or moon, or earth. In other words, there is a lot that has been set into motion before this perspective called 'you' is here. You're not here to figure out how to get your lungs to breathe air or your heart to pump blood. You're not here to work on your cellular evolution. You don't have these things to do. This has all been part of the previous evolution. You are here as genious creators to co-create with others around you for the purpose of being inspired...ooo, such a good word...inspired to a desire that is beyond any desire that you have had before. It is the leading edgeness of this environment that called you forth. You never said, not one of you, 'I'll go forth but before I go into that Earth, leading-edge, time-space reality platform, clean it all up. Get rid of all those things things that I don't like and then I'll come forth and then I'll be able to just observe and be'. Not one of you asked for something as limiting as that because you understood from your non-physical perspective that the variety that is present in this environment would be the perfect variety to stimulate and excite and inspire not just you but all other co-creating geniuses who have come forth to play with you. And you knew that this environment would insprie new desires and it does, all day, every day." ~Abraham