Friday, June 26, 2009

My body is totally dependent on Oxygen but I very rarely talk about it!

Even though I would cease to live without Oxygen, I do not talk about my dependence on it. My very appreciation for life and my conscious and unconscious efforts to allow my Oxygen to flow is evidence that I value, defer to and depend on Oxygen. IT IS ONLY WHEN I HAVE DIMINISHED MY FLOW OF OXYGEN THAT I MUST TALK ABOUT IT. What am I really DOING about restoring my breath? Just doing something in the name of Oxygen doesn't mean I am really addressing the problem. How am I blocking the natural flow of who I realy am, what I really love, what I find myself lightheartedly doing when I lose track of time? What if the more authentic I am in this area, the more my connection to and expression of the Source of my flow is restored. Oh, but, can I really allow my own flow in the face of my social conditioning?, what if the more I find the flow of who I really am, the more I tap into The Flow? Maybe that's an experiment worth trying!