Every decision I make is a selfish one. In every decision, I choose according to which option will make me feel better. The question is whether I'll feel better because you'll feel better if I choose as you wish or whether I'll feel better because I'm afraid of the outcome of choosing what I really want to choose or whether I'll feel better for following the accepted, approved path or whether I'll feel better because it is truly how I feel. Selfishness comes in many forms...self-centeredness, SELF-STRENGTHENING, and any mixture of the two. My work is to move from self-centeredness to self-strengthening. I'll never get it completely done but I can get better and better. As I allow myself to choose in self-strengthening ways, I can also allow you to do the same.
I can only be for you what I first am for myself. I can only do for you what I first do for myself. I can only be patient with you to the degree that I am patient with myself. I can only tolerate your path of learning what works and what doesn't work for you to the degree that I can tolerate my own path of the same.
I find great value in the guidelines listed below. The more I work to integrate these ideas into my experience, the more I grow. The more I grow, the more I integrate these ideas into who I am and what I do. Even when I am not including these concepts, I am moving toward growth because the more I struggle, the closer I get to asking the question I need to ask to begin to get relief. What am I growing in? I'm growing in the realization of the truth of who I am and the expression of the same!
What on earth does that all mean? That's what I'm hoping to express in this blog site but I'm still unsure about how to present it, where to start. Anyway, it is my truth. It is the way my uniqueness understands THE TRUTH. I asked a lot of questions and began to get answers from all around that were a match for my bias. My bias is that the answers had to give me hope and appeal to my sense of order. The way I see it...for each individual there is a unique way to understand THE TRUTH. For me, THE TRUTH has something to do with Well-Being. I will only know THE whole TRUTH when I am fully united with the same, with God, with the One. It won't happen here even though my truth continues to evolve with every experience I have!
Respect Self
Love Self
Respect Others
Love Others
Be of Service to Self
Be of Service to Others
Be Joyful
Be Serious
Be Single of Purpose
Be Unified in Purpose